Fair assessment on the predictions. I will say it's a good baseline for each team. I noticed that most of the teams were missing key pieces and may not have been playing their best ball. Interested in seeing how they will adjust going forward now that most of the elite teams have seen each other, Out of curiosity (because of the discussion here). I did make it a point to see both A and B preds teams.

My assessment on preds (Not ment to bash the preds but an observstion)

Preds seemed to really struggle. They are in for a ride.

Technically they are a step behind, even for fall ball, All the teams I watched struggled with this but not as much. Lots for dropped passes. Ground balls where an issue. Off ball movement was non existent. It's apparent the boys handn't played together.

The difference between the A and B teams are minimal.

The A team has one or two players that have skills to keep up however, it's a team sport.

If none of the teams they where playing were firing on full cylinders and had this much trouble, I can't imagine what the season will be like.

I hope if they decided to play in the elite division they coaches due their due diligence and develop a plan to handle the skill level, speed, and talent found in the HOCO elite level.