Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It’s not subjective. Older players have more muscle mass and dexterity then younger boys. It’s like saying trans women don’t have an advantage over cis women. The science is sound.

^^^big Biden guy here

The Biden guy clearly missed my point. My point had nothing to do with the physical advantage a hold back may have over other kids. Or the advantage a fast kid may have over a slow kid. Or the advantage a rich kid may have over a poor kid. Or the advantage a kid with a father has over a kid who is fatherless.

My only point is that using the term "right way" is subjective. If it is not subjective, you would be able to direct me to the sacred lacrosse text saying that hold-back children and their parents are doing it the wrong way. Again, I'll point to college coaches. They LOVE recruiting holdbacks. So to them, holding back your son is the "right way". High school coaches also love Holdbacks. Club coaches also love having holdbacks on their team as well. Have a good night. Let's chat in the morning on the same topic...for the next 7 years.

Nice spin. If this was the "right way", then why did the US Lacrosse governing body change the rules? Everyone knows this was a loophole that zealot sports parents used to give their kid an advantage on the field. Unfortunately, nothing they can do on the high school front. Congrats on beating the system and cheating kids who do it the right way out of playing time.

Nothing they can do on the high school front because the college coaches and high school coaches want hold backs.
If you want to complain, complain to the high level coaches about it. See how much they care what you think is the right way.

You keep arguing the wrong stuff to the wrong people my man.

Agreed. I held my kid back twice (he was young for his age in the first year) when he was in preschool and kindergarten. He is obviously older then his class mates and better at athletics. It did not come without sacrifice as he gets mocked for being older and we found out he missed out on early cognitive development by not being in the proper grade. The good news is the coaches love him and he is getting $15,000 off his college tuition next year.

I'm not trying to be a hater. If you felt that your kid was good enough - you would never have held him back. You don't think he knows this?

I never wanted that for my son. While others around him were held back/reclassed or did PG years for sports, I told him that he was going to have to play by the rules of doing the right thing and that no matter what happened with his recruiting - he would always have his integrity.

He ended up getting everything he wanted and can always hold his head high.

As I look at all the cooperate greed and the so called smart kids who are going to prison - I wonder if taking a short cut to your goals is always the right thing to do. Nuff said.

Spare me... Just because you believe there is a "rule" against hold backs and that holding back is an "integrity" thing, doesn't make it a universal truth to every person on the planet. Just because you believe it, doesn't mean your neighbor has to. You are talking about corporate greed, but you are actually showing the mindset of a religious zealot.