I listened to an interview one of the top 2025's did regarding her recruitment. She had a million offers but took 3 official visits to Maryland, Clemson, and UNC. She stated that Maryland was a consideration mainly due to their history and past glory. Said the coaching staff was nice and she liked the campus. Although she didn't say it, it was obvious she liked it the least of the three options.

I'm bringing it up because i think what these recruits say gives valuable insight into alot of things we discuss here. We can all have opinions but when information is coming from the source itself, it's hard to dispute it. And This recruit was not a Maryland girl.

My takeaway is that Maryland will always be on the list for top girls. That's not changing. The issue is, as others have already pointed out, the campus and the town in general. Recruits may just be in favor of warmer places or a campus they deem nicer or one with better facilities. Cathy is a wonderful coach and person by all accounts so i don't think there is toxicity within the program or bad culture. However, the bigger problem for Maryland going forward is that despite being on everyone's list, they aren't top 2. They 3 or 4 in some cases dead last. She stated that Clemson was her second option.

Which brings me to my other point, Clemson. They were on alot of top girls lists. For a program that just played it's first season that's already impressive. If they have one good season where they make some noise, the flood gates will open and that program will ascend to contender status rapidly.. and that will be bad news for Maryland because it would mean more competition.