I am going a lot off topic here but curious on your thoughts - do the best athletes/lacrosse players in the 5th grade mean they will be the best in the 10th? How important is player development at the club matter versus the time and the practice kids do on their own? Or does it not matter at all and that when these kids go through puberty will the differences show between a good athlete and a great one? My son is 10. He just wants to play lacrosse and have fun with his friends but sometimes I feel like club has taken the fun out of it. Why can’t the town leagues play year round and against other town leagues? I get playing against tougher competition but does it really matter in grade school? My kids all play for different clubs and I wonder why I do this. I want them to be part of a team and worry if I don’t start the sport now they won’t make their high school team. Club was created in part for college recruiting so why are 3rd graders doing it? And at the end of the day, it’s the top 1/3 of the roster of the top 50 club / lacrosse high school that gets recruited anyway.