Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Someone posted anonymously that a 24 committed goalie from a MD team in the top 5 of the country is moving to gulf coast of Florida.

Pretty easy to figure out that they are talking about the GCS goalie who is committed to USF. That's a huge loss for them especially with the Byrnes leaving. Great goalie in every game I saw her play. I'm sure she isn't leaving for greener pastures ... just the whole family moving south.

Side note - why do people post things that make it so easy to determine who it is?
And where is this said anonymous post?

It was on the lax goalie rate group on Facebook. Person posting anonymously as a friend gave away too much info to figure it out.

Maryland, 24 commit, top 5 in the country and a goalie.

Two girls fit that description. One is definitely not moving to Florida based on family ties and college. The other is committed to USF. I don't know the girl or her family but it sure makes it easy to deduce.