Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
topguns would have had a very good chance of winning without 2015 players as well as YJ , skywalkers and m&d . all teams are about equal. all teams play 2 goal games aganst each other. but with that said nobody will ever know. topguns won with there 2015 players and YJ , skywalkers, and md lost with there 2015 players. so it you cant handle topguns 2016 team being the champs then how about this 2015/2016 u15 national champions are topguns. what other excuses could you possibly have?

There has not been any excuse, have said all along that TG are the U15 national champs but to then assume they are the best 2016 team is ridiculous.To say those teams are all about equal shows you are completely delusional. Your 2016 team has never beaten those teams ,throw in Heros and its just another team you have never beaten.How can you go something like 0 wins and 8 losses to YJ and MD in your 2016 history but claim to be about equal, talk about excuses.To say your 1 2015 player was not the most dominant player of the tournament and you would have won without her is just silly.According to the national draw 2020, 2016, 2015 YJ are national champs.

All the 2015's were in Virginia (yj parents of all the committed kids didn't want to travel so the went to National Draw - great teammates), 2016 had very easy bracket as did the 2020 team, which is not a top five team by any stretch, probably 4-5 best team in that age on LI

Finally something we can agree on YJ 2016 did have an easy championship bracket playing a weak TG 2016 black team in the semi-finals, if it wasn't for their goalie the game would have been barely competitive, 2016 TG still 0-10 when playing against the top teams. As far as 2020 YJ , didn't you have a YJ team in your bracket , a team that beat M&D while you guys got crushed by them.

why on earth would you bring up the 2020 comparison? Your saying YJ is better by default of a defeat at the hands of another club? TG and YJ 2020 played the only game they ever faced off in at a later tournament and TGs won, competitive close game but won by a few.

You are so blind by your resentment of YJ, 2020 were brought up as a reply to your TG brethren bringing them up, not that difficult to understand.Congrats to your TG 2020 team for winning a game at a showcase tournament but common opponents do matter and in my opinion showcase vs championship also makes a difference, as does a full game vs. 20 minute games. Curious then of M&D, YJ, TG 2020 who do you think is the top team and yes I get they are only 10-11 years old .