Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Aren’t 2029 teams supposed to play 2029 teams?

Someone must have lost to the 2029 Madlax team along with way. Maybe in one of these:

HoCo Champ - Madlax
NAL Champ - Madlax
Naptown Champ - Madlax
NLF Champ Madlax

Agree with the above 2029 Madlax and 2029 Hawks can compete against 2028s. And if they get pummeled in a game, they are supposed to, they are a year younger.
Maybe lower level 2028 teams. They’d get rolled 15-0 playing 28 Hawks, FCA, Madlax, etc

29 Madlax could beat 28 Madlax, or at least give them a really tough game.

this outcome would look like 20-1 2028’s winning, and likely 2-3 kids on the 2029 team in the ER

And this is exactly why holdbacks shouldn’t be allowed and is under consideration for change… anyone who says differently, I ask, then why even have grade based leagues. Just take the best teams in 2-3 age brackets and play each other. 2028-2030. Why not 🤷‍♂️