Originally Posted by Anonymous
Will be interesting to see how HOCO 2029 Elite shakes out this spring. In previous years HOCO seemed to allow more teams in the elite division if they were deserving as long as they had an even amount of teams. Last year, for the first time I can remember, HOCO took a hard stance and didn't allow more than 8 teams in the division at any age group. If you look at what they did for the 2026 division, they had more than 8 teams wanting to be in "elite" and they ended up having a one day play day between 3 teams for the final 8th spot. Here are last years standings:

2029 HOCO
1. Madlax (6-1) ***Elite Champion
2. Hawks (7-0)
3. Next Level (5-2)
4. VLC See (3-4)
5. Bethesda Blue (3-4)
6. True Annapolis (3-4)
7. LTLC (1-6)
8. 91 MD (0-7)

9. FCA (7-0) ****AAA Champion
10. Team Maryland (6-1)

So looks like LTLC and 91 MD might considering bumping down and if not would defintiely be in the hunt for those last 2 spots. FCA would certainly want to move up and maybe Team Maryland? Should be interesting to see how it shakes out. My prediction..........Madlax, Hawks, Next Level, VLC, Bethesda, True Annapolis, FCA, and LTLC.

If they limit to 8 teams I'm guessing..........Madlax, Hawks, Next Level, VLC, True Annapolis, FCA, LTLC, 91 MD