Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Yes all out of state boys with sub par talent. Feel bad for the boys that committed to the team

See you in the Spring Dad

Ok Dad. Too bad your kid couldn’t make their home state lax club team. Oh wait that’s right they don’t have any clubs and your kid is below average. Again feel bad for the in state kids who committed to the team and are now stuck

Welcome to your kids future if he plans on playing for an MIAA school. This is the norm; why do you think BL has dorms now?

Went to a gathering recently with a lot of former BL lacrosse graduates. They should build a career center instead of dorms. I didn't think it was possible for an entire class to fail at life. Go chase that lax. Looks like It's 100% worth it in the long run. My son will need cheap labor to hire one day so at least we know where the pipeline will come from. Thanks in advance.

Sorry your kid got cut; keep working hard!