Originally Posted by Anonymous

How do you all feel about not having the full team at these showcases? Is it more difficult for the girls to play well without their long time team mates around them? Does it help the player trying to get noticed or does it hurt? I am not sure how I feel about it because it seems good to have only non committed girls on the team for maximum exposure but the level of play certainly drops so isn't that bad? I don't know so I look forward to your opinions smile

I have mixed feelings about it and am not really sure, so I'm also interested in what other people thing. OTOH, it saves the committed families time and money and nets the uncommitted more exposure. But OTOH, everyone has to keep a stick in their hands, a team is a team, and IMO, belongs together.

I don't buy "the level of play drops" argument. Overall the team may not perform as well, but an individual plays at her own level regardless of who else is on the field with her. Most of the 2015 tournaments are showcases, no standings, no playoffs, the point isn't winning so much as giving everyone a chance to show what they have.