Malvern is becoming a "sports" school particularly in football and lacrosse. Wrestling and baseball could compete with anyone in the nation. This is not a shot at Malvern as they have some great coaches. Strange that they are taking this path. It used to be a strong academic school.

I agree, from the outside it does appear that the focus is on athletics. When kids hold back for a year for athletics, which is commonplace at private schools, financially it benefits private schools as they get an extra year of tuition that they would have otherwise not received. I've been to Malvern over the years for my kids basketball games and they have a Hall of Fame wall outside the gym and the squash courts and pool as well, all of which is interesting and tells you something about the importance of sports there. Public schools have Hall of Fames as well I suppose, though. Having said that, their system works, whether or not its the right fit is for you to decide. Personally, not my cup of tea, but that's just me.