Originally Posted by Anonymous
M&D 2016 has defeated Yellow Jackets all 4 times the teams have played. They have all been close, competitive games. 2 of the games were played in Delaware, one time was at the National Draw (NJ), and one time was in yesterday in MD, so I am pretty sure they would do fine on Long Island.

M&D has played YJ, Liberty, Express, Suffolk County, Top Guns etc many times along with top teams from upstate NY. I am sure the day will come, but they have yet to lose to a team from the state of NY regardless of where the games have been played.

As for the schedule yesterday, M&D had the toughest schedule facing TLC (MD), Top Guns, Capital, Hero's (top three team in country), and LIYJ. The results are what the results are. M&D was without three of their top players yesterday. Two of whom are injured.

As for the final goal yesterday, the girl did put the ball in the net...but she also did in fact step in the crease.

Two very good teams though, no doubt about it.

I have no idea if she stepped in the crease or not but to say she did in fact step in the crease as if refs never make mistakes...please