Originally Posted by Anonymous
My child does plays for another organization. I always had been a smart shopper and when I realized too much money was going to YJ’s profit and not enough to the kids we changed organization.
Well, we do not know how you could have determined the profit picture, but again, part of being a smart shopper is determining the value of the service being offered. If you found the value to be lacking, that is your choice as a consumer.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
It’s funny how you and BOTC are being very defensive when one simple question was asked. “How do you know that you’re Donation is being used for that purpose that you gave the money???
Defensive? No, absolutely not. Your question was not asked innocently and was designed to evoke a reaction of an improper use of funds. Why else would one question the destination of charitable funds? BOTC wanted to cut that debate before it even started.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
You be better off keep your money and give it to your own kid. Just Saying…….
Giving the money to your own children is certainly a self-directed charity fund-raiser. With the cost of on-campus, private collegiate education now in the $40,000-$55,000 range per year, saving those dollars is your best course of action.