Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
who has the best team at the 2016 age on Long Island.

Don't ask, but in my opinion a case can be made for any of three teams YJ Blue, TG Black, Suffolk All-stars in no particular order.

TG- Have beaten Suffolk all-stars but have lost to teams like Skywalkers,descent players, descent coaching.

All-Stars--Have beaten and lost to YJ Blue,lost to TG, not a deep team and depend on a few kids heavilly, well coached and play to their strengths well

YJ Blue have lost to and beaten suffolk all-stars, have beaten teams such as skywalkers, steps .Deepest of the teams with probably the best players, several have been playing varsity for a couple years earning all division honors etc.

The YJ blue teams are much better than the TG, Allstars and Express(joke) . The YJ blue play up a year against these teams. When the YJ blue play these teams on age its like taking candy from a baby, the YJ crush these teams. Don't put these organizations at the same level as the YJ!!!!!

You are an idiot and I am sure not a YJ parent. That being said Liberty Express are definately a step below YJ Blue, TG Black, All-stars in this age group.