Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
For CR to make $13,475 off of her players in a single day is terrible. Granted she knows lacrosse, but that really is being too greedy. These are the very girls that are supporting her income. Isn't she embarrassed? Some of these families are struggling to make ends meet. Couldn't she at least charge $75 for the tournament and throw in clinics to cover the remaining $50 if she won't refund any of the families. What about giving back to the families that are loyal to you? I am sure there will be some defending her after my post and you are certainly entitled to your opinion. However, I am sure there are just as many that feel $125 for a single day is unreasonable. Especially, since it should really only cost $33 a player.

I'm sure if you bring it up to her, she will tell you it is not mandatory to attend. YJ parents should air their issues to her collectively...not address it here. Or, put your own team in and invite whomever you wish and charge a fair price...

Take the girls from your town...they really are the ones who should get the sticks in their hands early because of school/PAL/SCGL season starting soon...

The complaints you see on here are usually not YJ parents but are usually parents from other clubs who just cannot stand that CR runs probably the most successful travel lacrosse program in the country.I would be angry also if I joined a club expecting the club to have instruction from one of the best players ever in college to now see the reality that she has very little if any input to the program.

That is only true over the past 6 months or so. SS was very involved in the program prior...now who is spreading rumors?...