Originally Posted by Anonymous
I think you are all missing the point. I brought my son down there and for us it was a opportunity to spend time together in Florida in January and expose him to a competetive tryout environment. Unless your insane or psychotic you realize that this camp isnt about getting your son recruited. The talent down there was top notch, the camp was very well run and the lacrosse was a pleasure to watch. Like every other competetive travel sport, camps and clinics cost money. Its up to the individual parent and player to decide if its worth the time and money. For me this camp was worth it for the experience alone, I think its something my son got a lot out of, and I wouldnt hesitate to do it again next year.

I agree with everything you said in your post. Except that I realized it IS the beginning of a recruiting process for a 2017. My son & I had a great time together and a lot of his friends were there also. Great competition from all over eastern shores of MD, NJ, PA, LI, NC and my son took it serious and did well. A handful of kids DIDNT belong there and those were the ones (kids & parents) that looked at this as a vacation.