Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous

My daughter plays YJ. She's getting athletic and academic money with no help from club director or coach {not that we asked or expected it}. Get your daughter to her college choice[s]. Go to their camp and or prospect day. If she has the skills and the smarts, she'll get opportunities. For those of you waiting for club director or coach to help, you'll going to be disappointed. You and your daughter need to put in the work both on and off the field. Make sure your kid takes the lead. Be there to support.....but don't be the lead. College coaches want to deal with the student athlete, not a proud parent. Do yourself and your daughter a favor and keep in real......not every kid is built for for a top program. Many options out there if you search a school that's in your daughter's wheel house. It's a fun process. If it's not fun, you're doing it wrong.

I agree with all your points - very good advice. I would add for players to focus on schools that are a good all around fit. Schools they would like even without lacrosse in the picture.
Yes...you're right. Great point. Lacrosse in school should be fun. It's not life or death as some make it sound. Ask yourselves, if lacrosse doesn't work out, will she still want to be at this school?