Originally Posted by Anonymous
Clubs will take the very best eligible kids. Period. Private schools in baltimore highly encourage pre-first when starting and repeating a grade when transferring. It helps scholastically, socially, and yes .. athletically.

The best clubs draw the best eligible kids which are more likely to be holdbacks. End of story.

What is amazing to me is no one cares to discuss the safety concerns associated with 'holdbacks'. Lacrosse is a contact sport and I witnessed my 11 year old son recently squaring up against a 14 year old in a tournament a few weeks back; the size difference was 6 inches and about 50lbs. I can only imagine if those two would have collided in the crease. The bottom line in a contact sport is holdbacks pose dangerous scenarios. And to those parents that hold their kid back; explain to me the rationale of do so? Having your son who is 1 to 2 years older (in some cases more) than the kids their playing against should be embarrassing!! What are you teaching your son other than taking the easy road to succeed instead of working hard to achieve their goals.