Originally Posted by Anonymous
Your facts about Princeton are incorrect. Doors open and scholarships/grants come in when you can play. 50% is about the norm for family income levels below $200k. If you actually went through the process you would know that.

OK, you let your kid do what he wants so he can experience real life. Enjoy the literal funeral after the drug OD or food prep job. No one said anything about a star but facts are hard to argue when you have none to present. No extra money coming at all. Never mind you don't have the capacity to follow the reality. All the academies have well over 50% of their classes over the normal age group... I'll stop while you look it up. Don't trust what you read on chat board, do your own research.

You like statistics so much you must realize that " 61 % of public schools kids were exposed to drugs at school compared to 54 percent in private schools." Both sets of kids are at HIGH risk for drug OD so please get your head out of the sand and realize you are not insulating your child from anything by sending them to private and holding him back etc, in order to set them up. Also the kids that survive best and are the most successful often had what you would term a "food prep job" or some similar hard working job . Can you be any more clueless and elitist?