Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The complete straw man argument that rec lacrosse was two year difference before with U11..U13..U15. That was due to trying to field teams with limited players. Now with the growth of the sport... A simple U11, U12, U13, U14 would work just right. Do you apologists even think things thru??

Even with two years , every other year you were with the older group. You never had a select group of kids get to be the oldest their entire time of playinf youth lacrosse while other kids same birthday got ZERO advantage.. Most tournament teams were second year older kids on A and first year younger kids on B. Pretty simple and easy..Only issue was cheating on age of kids. Lacrosse needs a system similiar to soccer. Cards the coaches keep certified by USL.

Yep, this. Once again the grade-based argument does not hold water.

Sure, lots of thought given. I've come to conclusion that many on both sides of the argument want their kid to seem better now, not actually be better over time. Same thing you don't like about holdback kids that stand out under the current rules, but you want to dilute the division to make your kid seem better. You want to adjust to new rules, so your kid will look better in the system, now. I totally get it. I made my kid play up until HS, because I understand the game, but do you? Winning all of your youth games and thinking you are the best at the youth level is for helicopter parents. The holdbacks that could play up will be about as successful as your kid by changing to birth year, over time. Those of us that understand the actual game use the rules to get better, not to look better when it doesn't matter. No doubt at all that some kids play down to look better, but what are you trying to accomplish for your kid? Your hate of what they do is driving you to focus on the wrong goals for your kid. Diluting the talent in your division to give an impression that the average kids are better may satisfy a short term goal for parents, but actually weakens long term potential for the players. Again, I get it, and am by no means a fan of playing down, but there is a humble way to use what you hate to get what you want. Lots of thoughts given, brother, and sure it hurts to watch kids struggle, but that's why seasoned adults are supposed to understand the marathon, and you make adjustments along the way in an attempt to balance fun and meaningful growth. My guess, the Crabs forum is not for you, but hope this helps, my friend.

So your advice is to play against these better holdback/prefirst/reclass players. It will only make you stronger. But why dont you give that same advice to these same players? Do these players get to always have an advantage for the unskilled players to train against?? LOL

Only a fool doesnt see the advantage of being the oldest prior to puberty and even first few years of puberty. The bigger players will always get more playing time with competitive youth teams.
Being a year older gets you that time. Ever here of book Outliers? Maybe read it.

Being the oldest works at Youth sports . Is that the youth sports you want?Advantage to a select few but not others with same exact birthday. Youth sports will never be perfect but age restrictions is about the best there is. All Youth sports do it except for youth lacrosse.

I did give that advice. You only read what you wanted to read, because you are stuck on talking points. It is what it is for now, no point in talking to someone that can't open their mind for a mere second. Ever read the book Why We Suck by Dennis Leary. Definitely read it.