Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The sport hasn't grown because of prefirst or holdbacks. Its grown because football and baseball numbers are down and soccer lets just say sucks. And its a fun game that kids like to play. The u15 u 13 model etc isn't needed because numbers are up. The cleanest way to play is BIRTHDAYS...simple.

Thank you logical person.

OP - "I like holdbacks, sport is growing, ergo holdbacks are driving the growth of the sport." Talk about a strange narrative...

I don't think anyone said it is growing because of holdbacks. I think it was stated that the market seemed to be in agreement with the system based on growth. The argument on the other side is that the grade-based bracket system is a travesty, and while certainly an understandable opinion, the market does not seem to agree. Rec was always 2 year spreads, so to some degree, this system is actually more in the direction of your argument.

We are now grade based and the sport is thriving, therefore the growth is due to the grade based system - this a fallacy. I will counter your argument by pointing out that the helmets look much cooler than they did 5 years ago, therefore the sport is growing because 'the market' likes the cool helmets.

The growth is due to the reasons cited a few posts up.