Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So BayShore HS has the number one UN model club in the US, a top IB program that only a handful of LI schools have! They boast a top 25 filled withivy scholarships offers and acceptances WITHOUT sports! Tell me the same about your school district! Our dual language program is a model not only for NYS but for the country! We have a groundbreaking PreK program, tell me some of the"non lacrosse" achievements in your district, HACK!! NCC is going to continue a powerhouse for left back!

Chaminade is smoke and mirrors. They don't win any highly competitive national competitions. A joke

Are you really trying to compare one of the best schools on the island to one of the worst. You cant be serious.

I will say, just like Chaminade or any other Catholic school, the BSHS did not make those students they way they are. The district at one time had very strong direction and great primary school, leadership right now is suspect and unproven; Maybe too much government rules and regulations, maybe not. You bring up the Dual language program, Bay Shore primary schools did a great job years ago identifying the accelerated students and their families at an early age (2nd grade - Not the HS, HS just benefited). You stood in line to get your child a seat in the UPK program. It wasn’t a babysitting service and an effort had to be made by the families. The service wasnt available for all, it was a lottery, treated as a select program. If your child was lucky enough to get a seat they would always have a leg up. I remember they said they would always track the UPK students’ progress; i have yet to see one - guess that fell to the wayside. The students who you are identifying as the top 25 were identified well before HS. Many (not all) of them graduating now and in the past few years were the product of a "Mr Fallon" and the old board which pioneered many things for their children. Not sure you will see the likes of those again (at least another 4 years).

As far as AP, St John’s and St. Anthony’s offer those same students you mentioned as the top, the opportunities to take AP exams, would be interesting to see how the students marks match up to their neighborhood brethren.

Did any of you ever read that there is a 60/40 minority split, yes 60% minorities, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that the main language (spoken in home) at the school is not English and the %'s project to get worse over time. Yes, worse; are you kidding me. I still dont believe that one (BOE page, auditors information). The school also wants to get rid of those programs that made our children flourish, those accelerated programs. Because like in sports everyone gets a participation trophy and how dare someone try to better themselves or their children. and I didnt even get to the gangs, violence, arrests and drugs. You will say every school has them right, ill agree to a point. but you ask any defector they will say you lose the kids and families because of the Middle school culture. 8th grade graduation is a real eye opener for some. Try getting a grip on that. Although the high school is different, I can fully understand those not willing to gamble with their children's future.

Sports/activities, its simple. If you are a female great, a runner even better, if you are in music or drama it is an amazing school. Bring back the marching band! However, if you are male and play competitive sports please research your options. Is the core of the boaster club a figure-head chair who thinks they are the AD, worse thing that happen to district. Sorry, not the worst that would be the non existent AD. All in all a recipe for disaster. As far as lax, it is a, could have | should have | would have. This should have been the best year BS had in a decades. and not just Basketball. The talent had been there since youth. Bay Shore has always had some good youth programs look at its pool of talent. Never want to see anyone lose their job but it is time, its time for the Athletic Director and his side kick chair to go.

That said, some families have better resources regardless, but wherever you go, you get out whatever you put in.

Yeah there is a lot going on in Bay Shore, they are at a turning point and I am not sure in the right direction. Confused as to how someone can compare them to Chaminade in either sports or academics. There was a time about 6 to 8 years ago that that could have been possible but the past is just that, the past; whether recent or distant. One thing for certain, the future doesn't look that good. Careful BS, the Superintendent knows a thing or two about the minority demographics, not sure that's the right direction you want to go towards.

and I quote "...demographics shifts have created barriers between parents who do not understand English or the American school system..." are you kidding me. "... Bay Shore has taken "deliberate" steps to break down those barriers...", yes they are breaking down those barriers at the cost of the brighter, dare i say "new" minority (upper/middle class to affluent) students, because as the post above says the minority shift has changed.

Im not Betsy Devos but the Non-Speaking and Special Ed students will be getting the honey out of the pot going forward, scary to me. The IB has how many students, wonder how long that cost will be viable, before it is cut? The superintendent asks to take an active role in your students future, me, looks like i will remain an active participant by moving from the school district.

I wish the issue was a lax coach, our issues are much deeper. Wonder what the voucher system will cover.