Originally Posted by Anonymous
It's not necessarily because were blue collar or white collar. Blue collar in some parts of the country is poverty level and in some parts its middle class. Its just that on long island the cost of living is so high when you make 150k your considered blue collar. Our kids are privelaged just because we live here period. Forget sports, in most parts of the country you have to send your kids to private school just to get a decent education,,,whereas on long island we have top 100 nationally rated schools and there public. Trust me we pay for it and we take pride in our ability to give are kids what we do. Ny in general runs mental, work ethic, and drive rings around most states. These southern teams just get mad because they create these tourny's and then we just come in and sweep em. Dont hate just train year round, work hard and long hours and maybe just maybe, youll be lucky enough to be rated as a long island blue collar parent. Until then, just spew your hatefull sh** and we'll be at practice.

If you're going to boast about a LI education, spelling correctly would help make your case.

Second, which of these tournaments did LI teams sweep? From what I saw, the MD teams dominated this year.