Holding back at the youth level
Red-shirting (simply means the coach thinks you ARE NOT READY or if you dont you will get killed - SEC football)
Prep- School (All the military academies - pushes PS even when a kid is on solid academic footing)
PG year - Salisbury, etc..again..just need one more year!

All ways, above board, to get more prepared for the road ahead-both academically and athletically - five years after college no ONE cares if you did any of the aforementioned - did you graduate from the school of your choice- great!..did you play - even better...its just the business of sports...not always fair ok, ok, ok, I agree but the playground is wide open - any athlete can choose to do these things to get better at any age straight thru college- why waste time and energy arguing its fairness- to what end?..we all know who does it and why?...why 268 pages on the same exact topic?..what am i missing?