Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]1) School had not ended and those kid played with the 2019s in later tournaments. Not to mention Crabs got embarrassed on Fourth of July on National TV when they couldn't bring their holdbacks.
2) Only in Crab land would someone that playing a 16 year old 8th grader vs. 13 year olds is not cheating. He will be 20 years old when he graduates HS. Watch him do a PG year. wth?
3) Last years Crab Feast, Play day last year at BL, etc.

There are rules and there are the spirit of the rules that preserves the integrity of the game. Fat Crab and the parents that feed him should be ashamed of themselves.

True, they should be but the sad part is that neither Ryan McClernan nor the parents are ashamed. They feel proud of themselves and feel they are entitled to play by any rules they want. Do they cheat the system? Not directly, they play 8th graders in the 8th grade league, 7th in 7th etc. But here is where they "game" the system. They have holdbacks at most all level of teams they have, at least from 2022 and older. They had 15 and 16 year olds on last spring/summer 2020 team. The crab parents/fans will either say no no not true or the other come back now is, it's now high school, it doesn't matter. Well, it does matter because your present 2020 team is again loaded with holdbacks, same for your 2021 team and let's not forget the Crabs 2022 team, also holdbacks.
Parents are sold a pile of horsesh*t from McClernan and they buy into this sh*t. Simply pathetic. Go to a Crabs game, watch the parents, they parade around with their noses in the air, they really feel they are a "special" group since their kid plays for Crabs. If they only knew how the remainder of the lax community viewed these people they would be shocked. But then again, maybe not. [/quote

So kids should play their grade in a grade based league? Because you say so?! Shut up already. If you are still stuck on this argument, time for another activity.
. From your response it is obvious you have no idea what is being discussed. Read it again, come on you can do it, try real hard and see if you can comprehend what is being discussed . So far you seem to be completely lost. Or, maybe this is the new way Crabs parents push back. Bottom line, the holdback game at Crabs is alive and well.

The word "not" was supposed to be after "should", but someone with your superior reading comprehension skills would have certainly picked up on that, instead of an ignoramous that simply got fixated on the error. Or perhaps you don't understand that your kid doesn't even play these teams, and you are just spouting off to be heard. Holdback argument at HS level is weak and over.