Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Keep selling your soul to the devil, keep losing friends, keep alienating yourself from everyone on your HS team.

As long as little Shannon gets to verbal the ends justify the means. And 95% of the Shannon's will commit to ok colleges with just ok lacrosse. Only a handful will do anything meaningful so enjoy the ride, try keeping your friends and keep perspective that its a game and it does in fact end pretty soon. Happy New Years!

Blue parents are the absolute worst. Don't ever turn your back on them. Me first all the way everyday

Hello all. New to this. Is the Blue team considered one of the better teams in yellow jackets. I heard they don't do well at most tournaments. Is that why the parents are not liked. Thanks

Actually the top two teams are considered Blue and the next two teams are Gold. Basically they have two A teams and two B teams. They don't say but would have to guess the 5th and 6th teams are considered C teams but they actually beat all LI B teams. Hope that helps

The parents from the 2nd and 4th teams are the only ones who believe there are 2 blue and 2 gold teams.