Not sure why juvenile comments get posted. For any person new and old to this forum please keep in mind.......for every [1] YJ hater, there are at least [10] that like/love YJ. That is not an opinion, that's just reality. Do not rely on any of the clubs which includes YJ to get your daughter better and or recruited. It's up to you and your daughter on your own time. Way too many kids have this sense of entitlement {most likely their parent's fault. Stop enabling the kids!!}. Don't blame the director or the coach or F&F. If your daughter is not working at getting better on her own {after or between practices}, she'll fall behind the pack. If your daughter does not put in the work on her own.....which includes her own efforts in getting recruited, you too will be on this forum blaming others as to why she was not recruited. Before you sign up for any college clinic or camp, do you and your daughter a huge favor and be real with how she compares to others. Why go to a clinic/camp at a top D1 college if your daughter is not a top D1 player. Put the extra work in if your daughter wants to play in college. Just be sure it's what she's not about you!!