Originally Posted by Anonymous
The reality is it doesn't matter what color code is put on the web site. Everyone knows who the A team coach is and who the B team coaches are. The color BS is so a father of a kid now on the C or D team can tell all of his friends no it's not like that there is two A teams and two B teams. If your kid is on one of the second teams then they should be saying "my daughter is on the B team or my daughter is on the D team. " Everyone will figure it out eventually but at least they can justify leaving from another clubs B team and say that their daughter made YJ gold when it is really the D team

I see names from black rosters and other top team rosters on top teams and on very low teams all the way down to 5th team. I'm sure many spots will go unclaimed, but it is also an awkward walk back to the old clubs. How does that conversation go?