Hey all seirousness .

You complain and think by coming on here to bash an assistant coach that will either get retribution for your kid getting cut or your kid making the team but not liking the coach which either case very obvious of that.
As an adult have more class and stop being the whiny [lacrosse] wash woman that so many lax parents have become.
To top matters off let's talk about the head coach ? Mc ?? Where was this iconic in his own mind salesman ??
You rant and rave about the assistant coach sick in hotel room with a hangover but ask where has MC been during the season ??? when he's listed as head coach ? How many times has JH taken charge of this team during the season ?? Get a life and get your story straight on what really matters ..you buy into MC and get just a name on paper .

quote=Anonymous]Did he miss games he was suppose to coach at? If so, THEN I would care. And if he did it on a regular basis. But if it was one time, give the guy a break. He doesn't need to be trashed here. Like none of you have ever made that mistake?! Yes, he's a coach but it it was a one time occurrence, let it go. [/quote]