Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Big holdback middie that everyone bashes on forum just got offer to UNC. And that is why more and more people are holding their kids back. Because colleges could care less if a kid is 14 or 15 year old 8th grader.

Guess it comes down to whether the extra 25-50k in private school tuition is worth the 5k he will get from UNC?

Considering said kid would have never gotten into UNC(Or any other school of that caliber) without lacrosse, I would say that it was definitely worth it.

Is he not smart enough? How do you know this? This may work to his detriment if he is in a school that is scholastically too challenging for him. Kind of like affirmative action. If you put a person in a rigorous academic environment with criteria outside of the academic requirements they are doomed to fail. You actually do the person a disservice and waste parents money as the likelihood of failing out is much higher. This kid may be smart enough but you comment insinuated he was not. I honestly do not know.