Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Still obsessing.

Not obsessing...discussing. Guess you don't know how to do that without attacking. It's ok though I like to win.

without attacking? Calling 14 year old girls Thugs isn't attacking? They are kids! Whatever your opinion is, keep in mind that other kids and adults read this and might actually beleive what you write on here has merit (which it doesn't). It is your opinion and I am sure you may have only seen these girls play a few times. Do they play an up tempo style? absolutely. They are a pressure the ball team, that uses their athleticism (think of a pressing basketball team). Is that against the rules? No. Are they looking to hurt anyone? absolutely NOT! Are they taught to hurt anyone? No chance. The bottom line is you have the right to think what you want but you should really be more careful about labelling kids that you probably don't know at all. They are great kids and don't deserve to be anonymously labelled in a public forum. What is next? are you going to start calling kids Fat,slow and ugly? Is that appropriate in a public forum? I am sure you wouldn't say this to the kids faces , so you shouldn't do it here! I am sure if you spent some time asking people who do know them what they are like you would form a different opinion. They are probably not much different than your own daughter. They are mostly honor students and delightful kids! You really should stop the name calling and be more conscious of who is really trying to hurt kids! A trial by public forum is not justified especially for 14 year old girls. Like someone mentioned in a previous post, these kids are friends with girls from other clubs, they will play together in college. Relax and enjoy your daughter and the experience! No need for all this negativity!