Originally Posted by Anonymous
Some schools that only have half of their team in club are forced to sign up kids in gym class because the girls who could throw and catch have quit because they never got the ball. Hopefully some of the US Lacrosse changes coming forces these kids and coaches to pass the ball at the younger ages so more players develop and continue playing. Grow the sport.

You just can't let this go can you? Since you seem to be the authority please name the schools that dont have enough players?

Do I think the proposed US lax changes will help, maybe but it's still not going to turn mediocre athletes into stars. If a kid is only going to pick up a stick for a few months a year they probably won't become an impact player down the road. Look at soccer, they start out with small fields, fewer players but a huge number still drop out by 7/8 grade and the committed players continue on.

You seem to have this resentment towards club players? You probably have a good reason for why your daughter doesn't play travel, maybe financial, maybe she doesn't really love the game or maybe you don't want to give up half your summer. Whatever the reason, the fact is the world is changing. In addition to club most of these kids are all doing privates and training in the off season as well. You know it just might be time to stop blaming the travel players and making excuses why sweatie pie doesn't get the ballI? I'm sure you will now call me another travel elitist or one of the toxic parents ruining the sport but frankly I don't care.