Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You people are pathetic ,either offer up some proof ie a video of the so called thugs instead of your speculation that they must be dirty because some kids have gotten hurt while playing against them, are you really that ignorant.Feel free to watch some YJ games from last year at the U15 championships , did not see any dirty play.

To be fair, the team is very physical and aggressive. They are intimidating and have very talented athletes. Are they the best anymore? It's up for debate. The fact is, that teams and girls progress and mature at different rates/ages....The best/fastest kids at 12 years old might not be at so at 15 years old. It's possible some kids from these other programs have caught up and even surpassed the girls on the YJ club...There is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps it will motivate some of their girls to work harder and improve their skills....

Good luck to them and all LI teams in FL!!!! You parents all should be proud of the girls....

Here the problem with Pete M and the Yellow Jackets. I have been watching Pete M for years since our girls were in 5th grade. His daughter always played out in Mt Sinai in the winter and is the nicest girl you want to meet. What I have always notice is that his team and the girls he coaches when losing always reverted to stop the play take the foul and stop the play to get better position. Checking the girls stick when stick checking is not allowed. So the result is 11 year old girl learning how to intimidate on the field. Now as the girls get older intimidation factor multiplies and goes to full body check. Such as what happen in the Skywalker game. The girl probability knows what she did was wrong but she did what she was trained to do and that was stop the play. What Pete M did was teach these kids how to Bully on the field and it is very wrong. You’re correct this will fade because at this age and with good parental support we are teaching our kids to stand up to bullies and only then they will fade away.