Originally Posted by Powderfinger
Originally Posted by Anonymous
He is not the best in the business, he simply gets very talented girls and , for the lack of a better term , plays on the fringe of the rules. You, obviously, see the world through rose colored glasses, and show your ignorance in the girls lacrosse world. There are much better coaches "in the business"

Playing on the "fringe of the rules"--if you mean within the rules and right at the edge of legality, what is wrong with that? Good for that YJ coach because then he is doing nothing wrong. I just find it very telling that no one can give specific examples of what the coach supposedly said or did, which leads me to believe this could be a case of sour grapes.

Wrong. If you had read the thread, you would see very specific instances mentioned. What comes immediately to mind is the checks to hands and butts to sides. Those examples, which I have seen myself, are not "at the fringe." They are illegal.

I agree with you, but I think it is unfair to blame the coaches of 2015 real blue for kids that are playing this way. Unless someone can point to an example where the coaches specifically promoted or applauded dirty play, then how can the coach be blamed? It seems like everyone gets very tight lipped when specific examples are requested.