Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
4 players on last Years 2020 Crabs team were told they would only be welcome back if they reclassed. 2 did, the other two left

So 2 kids stayed back a grade in school just to be a crab? WOW, absolutely disgusting! No defending this, a club coach telling parents to keep their kid back a grade, lacrosse at the youth level has become an abortion.

So the two that didn't were cut? Did any others leave on their own?

Yes, if you read it on an Internet message board, it must be the truth.

It is a complete lie, but I guess people will believe anything they want to believe.

I spoke directly with one of the parents (one that did not reclass), and I don't know why they would lie about that. I guess maybe they would, but it is CLEAR that the Crabs have plenty of held back kids. so if it looks like a zebra...

No kid on Crabs 2021 has repeated a grade. Your statement was that Crabs(Ryan) forced 4 kids from last year's 2020 team to reclass. This is an outright lie.

Stop spreading lies and rumors that your "heard on a sideline". What is CLEAR is that you have an ax to grind with the program and would try to pass of lies as fact on an anonymous message board. Stay Classy.