Unfortunately I can't same the same for you. Your message makes no sense. What's so nasty or obnoxious about sticking up for the Defo kids making the U15 Disney squad or being tired of all the Defo bashing on this site? If you aren't happy on YJ Defo go play for another club or for YJ Blue II or Gold and you'll get plenty of playing time. This isn't youth or PAL lacrosse. It's competitive travel / Elite lacrosse and like all travel coaches, Defo dictates when and where your kid plays regardless of how much time and money you've invested. End of story. Can't deal, then walk. To be fair, Defo gives the kids pretty much equal playing time in showcases and in lopsided games. When you are in a Championship format then it's "Play to win". Best players play. Defo should have kept his best 11 field players on the field for the entire 2nd half against M&D at Nat. Draw. Poor guy was probably beaten down for having to apologize to parents for the misc. tournament mess and U-15 selection (both of which he didn't control) as well as for the crap he took from some parents after the 5-4 STEPS win for not giving all 23 girls equal time. He played to win. He losses to STEPS his team doesn't make playoffs. Period.