Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
did the real YJ blue 2015 lose again? to what team?
Yes they did to M&D good for them and it was 5 to 4 win for the Yellow Jackets in the quarter finals with the LI Top Guns. I guess playing dirty only gets you so far. Checking for the girls hand is a savage move and that YJ player deserves a red card for it along with the Coach. Based on how the Refs ruled the games I think the Lacrosse community is getting tired of their dirty playing.

Not sure what you mean? In the the 2015 YJ's loss to M&D, did a YJ player get a red card for purposely going after a kid's hand? And are you implying the coach was behind it?

Yes. They lost to M&D and yes she purposely went after the hand. The ref was shocked and yelled at her and told her to get off the field. And yes the Coach was behind it. Very dirty and very low