Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Did the 100 year old 2015 blue winning streak come to an end?

yes, they lost in the semi and the team that beat them lost in the finals. The team that beat the YJs "Blue A" won by a goal and that same team also beat Top Guns by one goal. Interesting.

that puts two teams in the tournament ahead of both YJ and TG. It's a battle for 3rd or 4th place.

Do you really think tht because the YJ's lost one game that it somehow makes your TG team better? or makes that YJ team any worse? One thing is for sure, you people are so predictable! I bet you couldn't wait to get to your computer this morning! LOL you are entertaining though! Pathetic!

the non-yjs, are they entertaining or pathetic? make up your mind! grin
If you wanted to be honest about the above posts the truth is more like the Yj did the best ,Liberty second, and Top Guns a distant third.