Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Wow, sounds like a bunch of jealous parents to me. I say congratulations to the kid and his family.

The rest of you need to get a grip and focus on your own kid and his/her deal...

Couldn't agree more. The problem is that many parents refuse to honestly evaluate their children. Many become bitter and jealous and spew venom and hate at other children. They do it on this site, they do it on the sideline and they do it around town. When another child is having more success than their child they look to tear that child down anyway they can. Its ugly.

If the kid scores a lot of goals the jealous parents will call the player a "Ball Hog".

If the kid makes an "All Star / Elite / Top Club" team the bitter parents will say its only because his/her Dad knows the coaches.

If the kid commits to a Top 5 or 10 college the jealous parent will say the player will never get on the field.

If the kid commits to Harvard the bitter jealous parent will say my son/daughter doesn't want to go to an Ivy League School.

If the kid commits to a Big D-I School the jealous parents will say we are focusing on academics and looking at D-III schools.

If a kid is being actively recruited by a number of top programs the bitter jealous parents will say we are looking at ABC and XYZ and we visited XXX even though their kid is not being recruited by those schools.

It's never ending, on our sideline this past spring we had parents counting out loud the number of turnovers a player had. We have parents chirping loudly "Pass The Ball" however I never heard those words when the Jealous bitter parents child had the ball. If it were not so sad it would be funny.

Couple all of the hate and venom spewed with all of the [lacrosse] Kissing many of these parents do and you have a cesspool of a sideline. Does not matter if it is school or club, the [lacrosse] kissers are there. They will kiss the [lacrosse] of the coach, Club Director, AD, Assistant Coach, Spouse of the coach, Sibling of the coach, friend of the coach, anyone who they think can help. Have you ever noticed how certain parents always have a reason to talk to or email the coach? Even the ones who are bitter on the sideline, they make sure they put on the happy face just before their nose hits the coaches [lacrosse]. Love it when I see a kid who does not get the hype from the club or school get recruited (by top college programs) over the favored ones. All the [lacrosse] kissing from parents and the misguided efforts of a bad coach will not stop the college coaches from identifying the top athletes.

It's a mess. Hope your club and or down is different.

This is one of the best posts I have ever read on this site. All so true. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Guess what it continues once your kid goes to the next level....:)

Forgot back stabbing malicious untrue rumor spreading to coach by vindictive manipulative kissing jealous parent.

Shame on any coach who does not see through all the kissing BS.