Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Must be good to get a full ride.

Nice try. You started the Townson nonsense with your ridiculous post but this one....Hmmmm. Not so good. Lol

Yup, you all are starting to see how this all works. Its called politics. When your a person with power and pull in one sport and have thousands of connections to people, programs and interests, you play the game. CR has huge connections, far reaching into NCAA sports, between the product she influences that are the jewels and riches of the lacrosse world, to all those who have passed through, to all the parents of those with ties and connections to all NCAA sports beyond lacrosse. Hate all you want, this is the real world, and the people who get what they want, know how to deal in all the politics. Not politically connected yourself? Too bad for you.

The conversation began not with polictics but the reasoning behind sending 6th graders to a lax camp at townson. Now we all know why. someone has to pay the bill. move on

It's easy to sniff out a pot stirring weasel. We will move on when you offer something other than one line BS comments. Gotcha loser.