Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Since YJ 2020 and 2021 are coming to the Towson camp, will they be sticking around for the Club National Championships that weekend after the camp?

Why Townson? Hmmm....
Any one venture a guess!

So this jackass started a whole conspiracy theory, football, girls lax scandal by simply baiting you fools. Want the real connection to Towson? Anyone paying attention would notice the recent surge of interest and recruiting of LI players by Towson in recent years. Did you notice where last years leading HS winner went? In addition to the YJ players, Towson is also heavily committing TG players of late. Wonder if CR had anything to do with that? Then finally there is this......the assistant coach for 2021 plays where? Anyone? Sometimes the crap that gets spun together on these threads is just too funny, or sad.