Originally Posted by Anonymous

The Directors don't care...as long as you can be intimidating and put the ball in the net! Just win, baby!!!

The directors don't care, they have stuck 25-26 on the 2020 and 2021 blue teams, these are the teams that other organizations are reducing the size of their top teams. The have 28 on the second team of 2022, that is sure to be a great experience for those girls, enjoy play 8 minutes each in 4 games. That's a total of 32 playing minutes for a one day tournament (figuring 25-30 minute games) and 16 minutes of playing time each in 4 games (figuring 50 minute game, 2x25 minute halfs). So that's just over an hour of game time, in a tournament when you have to drive several hours, get a hotel room for at least one night. That will be a frustrating experience for those families. It is bad enough when there are 24 on a team, but 28 wow!

Hey LI Express is having another girl's tryout, may not be the YJ and I'm not sure about the coaching, but your kid will play a whole bunch more.