Originally Posted by Anonymous
This had to be one of the most hateful groups of people to keep posting this stuff. These are 9/10/11 year old boys and please don't tell anyone on this forum that there aren't players on any other organization not called 91, Express or Igloo who can't play with them. Seems people have it in for this organization for whatever reason but there are some very good players on these Jesters teams and to say there isn't is just a narrow minded group. We all know how these teams are formed and why leave teams your comfortable with for the off chance of making a team that has limited to no openings or have a good player rejected when you know there was only 1 or two openeing not in the position they play. Please, I cannot what until these kids are 15/16/17 years old, then opinions on players and teams will hold more value. Let them play, have fun, learn and get better. What good does bashing organization with great players not listed as the "best", because unless your on those top teams, when their weak teams that get beat by these "second class" you never hear from and just hid behind a teams name. Remember many of the kids also read these forums, image your kids reading they play for a "second class" and not realizing the source likely peaked in highschool JV living through their child.

Well said. Newsday listed the top 100 lacrosse players on LI a few weeks ago and several players from my son's Jester team were on the list!! Everyone catches up. Adults "deciding" who is best and speaking about 9 and 10 year olds is disgraceful!