Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Just discovered this site/blog. Parent observation. Annapolis based. Kid is good, but not great.

1. Every lax game we've attended in 4 years (from lowest level to Elite) has the contingent of loud parents yelling at (i) the refs and (ii) their kids. Every game. Every level.

2. These parents don't realize how embarrassing it is. For some, it seems involuntary.

3. These parents don't realize that it harms the kid emotionally, either eventually or immediately.

4. Never seen a sport with the refs abused more than lax. Never seen a sport where the refs actually respond to the yelling in the stands.

5. If a kid is successful in high school and/or college, it is because he or she is talented (mostly born with it) and has worked hard and is coached well. It is not because of all of the parent stuff (and almost certainly in spite of it).

6. Most of these coaches are volunteering their (and their family's) time coaching these kids. Thank them regularly - or at least at the end of the season.

Finally, there is a contingent of parents in the stands that very much enjoy watching and listening to the vocal parents inserting themselves into the yourth sporting event. It is a little pathetic, but entertaining nonetheless.

You're not totally wrong, but you are a bit judgmental. I'll help you. #1 is correct. Good job. #2 varies from parent to parent. Some parents are self-aware but don't care. Others want to yell but don't have it in them. Some are absolutely nuts. Some are encouraging. Some are not, and so on and so forth. #3 is an assumption on both kids and parents. Know your kid, treat them accordingly. This isn't rec, a lot of these kids are wired a touch differently, and some of these kids already know what works or doesn't work for them. #4 prob true. #5 is true but misses the mark. There are plenty of talented kids who won't play in HS or college because their parents didn't do enough of the more positive aspects of "parent stuff". 6. Generally you're right, but there's a minimum standard of what's considered acceptable, and there have been times this season when the officiating has fallen short. Refs aren't the only ones making sacrifices. As parents, we make plenty of sacrifices with our time etc between practices, tournaments, etc...and these kids deserve a minimum level of competence in the refs. There have been times -- objectively speaking (since we were on the winning side of a bad call) -- where the outcomes were directly impacted by incompetence.

So you do you. Post on a forum frequently visited by intense lacrosse parents, hop on your soap box, criticize parents, and then announce how you enjoy laughing at others and calling them pathetic. Pretty ironic that you think you're any better.

Great response!
To the Annapolis Dad; spend less time being critical, more time helping your son improve. Maybe he’s good not great because your sanctimonious attitude validates not putting in the work. “Look at these fool people, just have fun bud”
Instead of laughing at other parents, try talking to them and laughing with.

Annapolis Dad, No response goes unnoticed when it hits home. This place teaches parents how to be elite lacrosse D1 parents.

This place teaches Trolls how to be trolls... it is good to remember as a parent this is your kids journey and not yours. The Refs are part of the game, some will be good and some not so much. The one constant is the most annoying parents are the parents on the opposing team. Don't worry they are thinking the same thing about you.

I have been a lacrosse coach for 10 years and a lacrosse parent for longer than that and it is always hard to watch your kids working extra hard at a thing to have a crappy ref make horrible calls and have to look at the disappointment in the kids eyes.

This weekend we were playing a team where the parents were loudly talking about there own teammates and saying things like "That kid doesn't belong on this team" and "I don't even know why they are playing that kid". <---- Try to guess the team. Hint: only 4 teams played this weekend

All I'm saying is just cause someone does not act the way you want them to doesn't mean they're bad.