Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Rebels gonna break their own tournament rules and show up with their 28’s tomorrow?


Player Eligibility
Players may play in divisions according to their grade, or above. No player will be permitted to play in any group below the year they are set to graduate, regardless of any circumstance related to how old the player is.

This is a grade tournament, not an age eligible play below the grade tournament like the World Series.

Legacy East broke these rules too. Problem is - every team at some point or another, breaks the rules and no one does anything about it.

Rebels broke the rules in they're own tournament. We had four 2028 players when the rules were posted. The 2028's did not do much. Our record speaks for itself. At least give our other kids playing time in a tournament that is grade based.

don't forget about the player from BBL...lol

Every 2029 division this year will allow the eligible 2028s to play. Happens each year

If they are eligible why shouldn’t they play? Same age group. 2029’s have been babied. Every other group deals with single and double holdbacks and these guys complain about of age players playing because they play for 2028’s.