Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What’s the deal with FLG 28 and tradition 28? Both seem to be fading into oblivion.

Happens at every age group around 8th grade. Top players start going to club with better recruiting reputations.

In terms of recruiting you can get recurited through any club if you are a strong player. That line is used to sell the fomo as well. Issue with some other organizations is that unless you are on their AAAA team that is ranked top 10 you are a second class citizen. Imagine going onto a team now that a coach has known kids since 4th grade on. Who do you think theyre recommending first on their AAA team...the kid who joined a month ago or six years ago? OR the kid on their AAAA team or their AA team is going to get recommended first to top tier college programs? Be smart and pick a club developing players, forming relationships with them, and whose going to push your kid as one of the first to college coaches...not just once the entire top team has committed.

ing ding ding. You still want to be on whatever club your owns top team for the age group, but make sure it’s a club that is fully committed to the team. My suggestion is the head coach has no political ties (ie a kid) on the taam