Originally Posted by Anonymous
you don't like it go find a better situation. It's easy to blame the coach that puts in endless hours while you the parent doesn't put any time in with your child. Most parents are delusional when it comes to their kid's abilities and point the finger at the coach. The parents I know that coach do it because they love coaching and know that if they leave it to someone else, they risk having their kids exposed to bad coaching. Of course there's an element of prioritizing their kid but that's no different in any other sport or facet of life.

This attitude is so pervasive. I'm putting in endless hours too and I'm dumping $3,200 in to the team. There's no need for one parent coach much less four!!!! That's four spot sewn up on a team. This had to have been written by a parent coach[/quote]

Absolutely written by parent coach. No one is forcing these parent coaches to coach, they do it for one main reason, to get their kids an advantage. Do they love lax too? Do they want to grow the game? Then coach Rec and teach it to more kids who can't afford club.

Sorry, people in charge should be held accountable. The "How dare someone question me" attitude is big part of the problem. The coaches always say "communication is key, please feel free to discuss" but as this poster points out, deep down, what you say will be held against your kid.