Originally Posted by Anonymous
Isnt 91 owned by Brian Spallina? Did he sell/ give/ lend , whatever to MM?
No dog in any of it I just don't understand how he makes as much money as everyone claims??
Can someone show me the estimated numbers?
I just find it hard to understand that much money in lacrosse

Each single team pays in 30-40+K depending number . It doesnt cost close to that to rent fields, tournaments, coaches. Plus his other endeavors, P9 , clinics, etc bring in some big bucks. Got to give him credit, make a living off a non income sport of lacrosse.

Teams: Some of the 91 youth teams are so big they have "practice squads" of paying kids, so let's assume 28 players x 9 teams x $2K = $500K gross. Minus about $5K for indoor space, $20K for outdoor fields per year. Most coaches are Dad Coaches and are either paid very little, or get their son's fees waived. Let's say the head coaches get paid $5K each = $45K. Hoco fees: 9x$3K = $27K Gear purchases (mostly balls, some goalie gear) = $4K. Minus tournament fees, about $75K including paying Millon Events. Minus team Swag Bags, about $35K. Annual net before taxes to Millon: about $250-275K depending on whether he calls himself an employee/takes a regular salary.

Millon Camps: 300+ players @ $500 (?) each = $150K. Minus field rentals for 4-5 days on a college campus: $20K+. Minus the required campus and medical staff, [Censored] disposal fees, etc, another $20K. Minus the pay for college players, probably $10K. Minus pay for regular 91 coaches, probably $10K. Minus player "giveaways" = $25K. Annual net before taxes to Millon: About $50K.

Millon Events: 8 teams x 8 age groups x $3K tournament fee = $180K. Minus venue rental $20K, minus event staff $10K. Net before taxes to Millon: About $150K.

It's probably fair to point out that it may have taken him some years to recoup his initial investment, especially if he had to pay a fee to Spallina to get the MD franchise off the ground 10 years ago. There are some considerable outlays of cash described above, and especially early in a club, you are waiving fees for the best players, in your new tourney business you are watching teams cancel on your tournaments, or in your new camp business you're finding out that your camp week is notoriously bad for attendance due to summer vacations. Guaranteed he has taken an L some years, but that cash sure does add up, from an outside view.

And I think if you look at all this from the standpoint of "what do his sons have to do with this," it becomes clear. I'm sure MM doesn't want to work forever.
Nice fair analysis. People wonder why the explosion of clubs,,, Not that hard to figure out. Breakers guy years ago was raking in the money. It was mainly him and the Crabs and his Aloha crappy tournaments. Not no more

Well I mean, fun fact, Millon was a Breakers coach/director in the early 2000s when it was just Breakers vs Crabs in the Baltimore area. What the people (me) really want to know is, did the Millon vs King Krab beef start in the Breakers days, or when Millon split off to start 91MD? What I do know is that the beef is alive and well!!!!
Fun Fact , Even in his short Breakers career MM was the same person, zeroed in on one person ( former #1 recruit) to get the ball all the time and his on field behavior was lacking . He hasnt changed, but has learned the system very well last 10 years. MM is an opportunist in lacrosse world, he jumps around for best places for him and boys . Jumped to 91 for $ as Breakers guy was not giving up one dime, and left Gilman as coach as he saw writing in wall for program and son ( which is why he was there) .