Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
A few post-9/1 thoughts:

- If you still think 'best club team' or wins and losses really matter then you're not doing what's best for your son or daughter
- The so-called "expertise" you find here and on other forums is the exact opposite
- You definitely do not need to be on a big brand team to get D1 attention on Day 1
- Every kid is going to be different so stop comparing your son or daughter to their friends/teammates/opponents
- Inside Lacrosse is doing a great podcast series with coaches that covers recruiting. You'll learn a lot by listening.

Agree with most of this: most expertise on this forum is anecdotal or emotional opinion.

Ironically I do think you may have an emotional bias against big name clubs which is maybe my one point of disagreement. Which non big brand club (outside top 50) had a Sep commit so far. Genuinely curious and I haven’t done the research on all the commits but I feel like they have almost all been Big Brand Club or Big Brand High School

That is true. There were no LI players who didn’t get mentioned on the Inside Lacrosse list not from 91 and Express. The reason is the exposure of certain clubs vs other clubs. Now are there are players that are worthy, but just didn’t get seen by NLF or IL. Ultimately it won’t limit opportunities, they just have to work more now and go to prospect days and showcases this fall and make their own exposure. The NLF has tilted the table to the benefit of NLF clubs and teams that play in NLF events, imho.