Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ya’ll keep forgetting, there’s lacrosse outside of the mid-Atlantic? Remember us, Long Island, the epicenter for lacrosse?? The region with the UNANIMOUS top team in the nation. Yup. Same team that has held that distinction more than any other team. And you know what? Still no holdbacks. Not a single one. Zero. Nada. Nil. Nothing. And no new players in three years now. Same kids as always. Coach prefers to develop his kids as opposed to steal them. Can’t argue with the results. And everyone of those kids are at least one year younger than every “2024” player in the mid-Atlantic. How do they do it? And for aaaaalllllll these years. Really thought you boys would have figured out a new way to cheat by now, since the whole-holdback scam doesn’t work. C’mon now, I expected more from y’all.
No one even knows who you are talking about, or gives a rats

Bro, you been living under a rock for past 9 years??